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FARHAN Male | Happy, cheerful | Arabic |
AVVARI Unisex | Surname | Indian |
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◖BIRTH NAME◗ Farhan Avvari. ◖NICKNAME◗ In his daily life, he goes mainly by mr. Avvari. A few colleagues call him Farhan and so do his friends, but he is mainly surrounded by students, so mr. Avvari is what he hears the most. It feels strange if a student calls him Farhan. ◖ALIAS◗ None. ◖BIRTH DATE◗ 29th November 1984. ◖AGE◗ 34 years old. ◖OCCUPATION◗ Professor in history at Oxford University. ◖RESIDENCE◗ He lives close to campus in a very nice apartment, if you ask him. ◖ALIGNMENT◗ Himself, his family, and his country. ◖BIRTHPLACE◗ London, UK. ◖SCARS◗ He has few, but insignificant and only caused by being a bit too wild as a child. ◖HANDEDNESS◗ Right-handed. ◖ZODIAC SIGN◗ Sagittarius. |
◖NATIONALITY◗ British Indian. His parents are both from India, but he has only been there on vacation and to visit family, as he was born and raised in the UK. ◖RACE◗ Human. ◖ABILITIES◗ He's a fast learner in most areas, has an extremely good memory, excellent at forgetting to sleep at the right time of the day, but still managing to get up and teach without any issues. ◖HEIGHT◗ 1,8 m. ◖BODY TYPE◗ Normal build - tall with slightly broad shoulders though - a bit muscular, but he could definitely do more to stay fit. He prefers to hide away his body. ◖EYES◗ A deep, dark brown colour. ◖HAIR◗ Black of color, thick and nice in texture that he keeps short with a bit of volume. ◖COMPLEXION◗ A delicious, brown, tanned colour. ◖TATTOOS◗ None so far. |
◖SEXUALITY◗ To be honest, he is just not very sexual never really having explored that part of himself, and now he has made it to a point where it is a bit scary how asexual he actually seems to be, but he does not care too much for it in the end either. Hopefully, it will just come to him, otherwise he imagines that his parents already have some kind of backup plan for him if he fails completely himself. ◖RELATIONSHIP STATUS◗ Single with extremely annoying parents, who really want him to marry very soon (in their opinion, he is already almost too old to really get to enjoy "the wonders of marriage"). ◖LIKES◗ A good book, teaching, history in general (though he of course has some preferred topics), tea, movie nights, seeing the faces of students light up when they suddenly understand, learning new things, staying at home, though he also has a small explorer within him but rarely travels, dancing around his apartment like no one watches, new teaching methods He likes a good drink, even if he would rather prefer to stay at home reading, warm colours, Autumn, biking and walking around the city, keeping himself going and distracted. Seeing others succeed, especially if it is his own students, is one of his greatest pleasures. ◖DISLIKES◗ Being tired, working out (at least to a certain point he can enjoy it, but he gets tired so quickly), grading, being late or unprepared, not understanding or simply missing the point (he rarely misunderstands facts, but feelings and people are what he misinterprets all the time), bitter or too sweet food, horror movies and movies with an excessive and unnecessary amount of gore and blood, people judging his major or simply misunderstanding history itself, not having his facts straight, being wrong. ◖FACECLAIM◗ Fawad Khan. |
Farhan has always been the nice, quiet kid on the block. The oldest of three siblings, he was always raised to take care of others and set aside his own needs, but still of course make sure to take care of himself. The balance was not emphasised a lot though, and more than often he was the one taking care of the two younger ones. It simply became natural for them to seek his help as well as for him to give them whatever they needed - either if that meant helping with home work, taking them to sports after school, or standing up for them if needed. Though he was taught this from a young age, his parents were very present in all the childrens' lives, but it is not a lie that they worked a lot, which is the reason for Farhan's parental role in the family. It was simply necessary for both parents to work to ensure the best possible opportunities for the children, so they would not have to worry whatever they wanted to do in life. This was hard to understand at a young age, and especially the younger sister, Meera, struggled, but Farhan learned how to deal with it the right way, though the apparent differences between him and his sister. Though more similar, it was not always easy with the youngest of them, Ram. In the end, the family always had dinner, no matter how busy the day with school, work, and everything else in between, tying the family close together. To this day, Farhan is still very close with his family, and visits his siblings rather often, since they all live fairly close to one another. Being this tight with one's family does not come without annoyances and such, but he has simply learned to live with these - such as the pressure for marriage, especially as the oldest son. At least, it has gotten easier to deal with such things as he has grown older and the fact that his siblings seem to understand him more and why he did the things the way he did them, when they were younger. Farhan always had an interest for books and reading, especially fantasy and historical novels. Here, he had the chance to dream himself away from all the duties of life, not worrying about picking up Meera and Ram, doing the grocery shopping, as well as his homework. It was an easy way to escape that only kept on growing as he got older. It did not take long for him to become increasingly interested in history as a subject in school, and before he knew it he was pursuing a degree with a dream of teaching. To begin with, it manifested itself as an interest in writing, but teaching slowly took over. He has always been hard-working, something which paid off in the end and brought him to where he is today. He would never have imagined that he would actually be teaching at such a prominent university such as Oxford, a place he studied himself years and years ago, but he enjoys it more and more. Though it has its ups and downs - grading papers and such is neither his biggest strength nor enjoyment - but he has learned how to take care of it. Just like he had to adapt when he was younger, he is incredible at doing so now and it did not take him long to fit in, even if he had a head start by actually obtaining his degree from said place. He lives nearby and often get visits from students, whom he helps with various things, both dealing with his courses and other things. Though he does consider himself rather awkward at times, he seems to have a calming effect on most people. He is not really used to it yet, how good his is at adapting to different situations, but it is simply different with learning how to deal with other people. Family is one thing, students or others... a whole different story to him. Though he took care of his siblings and had to learn how to deal with their problems at a early stage in life, Farhan is not good at dealing with people in general. He spent most of his teens reading and studying to achieve his goals - and make his parents proud after working so hard for their sake - he kind of forgot everything else in the process. He enjoys solitude and can spend hours reading, writing, and disappearing into his own world without realising it. He has learned to cope with the fact that he is not a people's person how much he wants to be. At least he can be somewhat social in bigger gatherings, here he can be rather natural and seem quite sociable, but he has a tendency to become more awkward one on one. He hates this, but it is really not as bad as it seems; to him, it is really bad, and he feels sorry for whoever ends up in this situation, but he simply comes out as quirky, maybe a bit nerdy, but it is not really more than that. The problem is essentially how he views himself, since it is not that realistic compared to what is actually happening. This is somewhat surprising, since he normally is a very rational and objective person able to stand back and view most situations with a calm, composed mind - but when it comes to himself, all this disappears. He has been told so by both parents and siblings, but he simply does not believe it. The only thing that challenges this opinion of himself are the student evaluations, but the brief joy is often forgotten quickly and he continues like always, stuck in his own, little world. If he gets it in writing, he might believe it, and if he is told, he would most likely brush it off as nothing or simply stand there, flabbergasted, without anything to say - unless it would be said by family, where he would simply not acknowledge it as anything more than family talk. Besides his quirks and quiet demeanour, Farhan is a really great guy on multiple levels. He is honest, but incredibly emphatic and understanding, especially when it comes to his students. He might not be the best at expressing this empathy and comes out quirky, but most see this as calming or even cute, which makes him a rather popular professor. He has few, but close friends, whom he values a lot, and the feeling is only mutual. If he becomes one's friend, he is really great - just like when he was younger and would give his all for his younger siblings, he acts like this towards his friends as well. He will go all the way to help people, especially people in need. His reputation at college reflects this, since he really does what he can to help students who are in need, even if it is not within his field. He really has a problem with saying no, and in general he should take more care of himself and set some more clear boundaries. He has a tendency to forget himself in the process of helping out others, which simply makes no sense, but he has a hard time seeing it. In the end, he is a really nice guy - he has to be better to take care of himself on a more personal level, but otherwise he is worth so much more than he is actually aware of. Farhan is also a fairly good-looking guy. Though it is yet another thing he does not really see himself, he is rather stunning to look at. He is of average height and slightly broad-shouldered, somewhat muscular, but he does not work out regularly, but he still looks good, though he prefers to cover his body up. His hair is thick and has a beautiful, black colour, and he keeps his beard long, but trimmed, since he does not want it to be too long. His eyes have a deep, dark brown colour that goes well with the black hair and the slightly tanned skin. He cares a lot about how he dresses; his daily outfit is essentially a suit, at least he always wears a blazer and a tie, sometimes a bow tie, sometimes a waistcoat or a jumper underneath, layers upon layers. He likes to keep it colourful though, black suit and tie is for formal events, so he likes to keep it more down to earth with mixing earthy tones into his daily wardrobe instead. He rarely wears T-shirts and jeans; that is mainly something he does at home or when he does not have to go outside. In general, he cares about the way he looks, but he does consider himself rather average still. He has had no luck in love, mainly because he never pursued it at any point, feeling too awkward and off to do so, so he has never received any kind of confirmation from other people when it comes to his looks - at least not romantically or when he actually realised it. It has happened before that he has been complimented, but like everything else, he tends to forget it, if he does not see it himself. He knows that his parents want him to acknowledge it and start dating, since he is already too old in their opinion - and the only one of the children without a significant other, even if he is the oldest. He does not really care for it, though, and simply says that he is looking for the one, but at this point he has already given up before he has even tried. He simply likes his quiet life at university, and life seems great right now, so why would he need someone special in his life now, if he has never had that need before? He finds enough in what he has at the moment. |
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➣ O P T I M I S T ▪
1. a person who is inclined to be hopeful and to expect good outcomes. Farhan is down to earth but a true optimist, always smiling and seeing things in the most positive ways, but not unfamiliar to the more realistic aspect of life, something which is rather necessary while teaching history - you simply have to look back at what has happened with a realistic, objective mind, but then he instead looks towards the future with optimism. |
➣ F O R G E T F U L ▪
1. characterised by negligent failure to remember. His life is his subject and his students, and he will really do anything for them. He has a tendency to forget himself in this process though, one of his big weaknesses. He always puts others before himself, he has a hard time relaxing and does not like being alone, since he can easily spend this time criticising himself, but instead he simply focuses on preparing for the next class. |
➣ S E L F - C O N F I D E N T ▪
1. confidence in oneself and in one's powers and abilities. He has a self-confident, bubbly personality, but it can be seen as a facade just to keep people at a certain distance. He's out-going and sure of himself and his abilities, especially while teaching, but sometimes he's not sure if it's actually himself or just a way he wants to be seen. As soon as he's alone, he doesn't feel as self-confident at least. |
➣ I N T E L L I G E N T ▪
1. having or indicating a high or satisfactory degree of intelligence and mental capacity. One of Farhan's strongest aspects is his intellect - it's one of the things that gives him confidence, something that he can always return to if something goes wrong. |